Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Semiotic theory

Semiotic theory was invented by Ferdinand De Saussre, Saussure offered a 'dyadic' or two-part model of the sign. He defined a sign as being composed of: a 'signifier' - the form which the sign takes; and the 'signified' - the concept it represents. It is how a person responds when seeing a certain imag, colour, pattern or even hearing a sound. Saussure quotes "The connection between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary." 
Semiotics are usually divided into three catergories:
Semantics- The relation between signs and things to which they refer their meaning.
Syntactics- The relation among signs in formal structures.
Pragmatics- Relation between signs and the effects they have on people who use them.

The process is:
Sign > Signifier > Signified
For example:
The rain > Melancholic music > Depressing

For my music magazine I will be using semiotics, probably not refering to pragmatics as I want the signs and effects of my magazine to be positive. Using images, colour of background, text to be appealing to my intended audience. My magazine will be R&B based as there isn't a magazine aimed at this particular genre, I think more people would buy music magazines if there was a range in genres, the colour scheme will be bold, I am undecided of what colours I will be using on my magazine as it will probably change as the magazine processes.

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